Alison Glastonbury

Inbound Marketing Client Manager, Alison is an integral part of the Fit 4 Market team co-ordinating and on-boarding all clients.

  • Primary focus is client data management, process and training
  • Lead client manager for on-boarding for all F4M customers, particularly regarding the in-bound methodology, development and management of all aspects of the CRM including technical admin, database management and support
  • Supporting clients and Fit 4 Market team across all in-bound tools and management of clients set up/liaisons
  • Eagle eye and sense checker for the team

Experience in the UK across many industries, such as accounting, insolvency, banking, software and more. Alison’s strong administration, good communication skills and an eye for detail come from working for Andersen then Deloitte for many years. Alison has been working with Adam and the team of marketing consultants at Fit 4 Market since August 2008.

Our Marketing Experts

Talk to our team today and let’s discuss how we can help to create your success together!

Adam Basheer

Adam Basheer

Meg Leipus

Meg Leipus

Michelle Lee White

Michelle Lee White

Want to discover new customer groups?

Identifying new customer segments and communicating with them effectively will help to grow your business.